University Ahmadou DIENG (UAD) is one of the largest private universities in Guinea, with tree (3) campuses throughout the country.

About 450 teachers and researchers supervise more than three thousand six hundred (3600) students in Engineering (Mining, Geology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Electricity and Environment), Economic and Management Economics and Management, International Trade / Customs. Accounting -Banking – Finance, Marketing) , law, International Relations, Political Science, Public Administration, Sociology, Liberal Arts, and History.

Leader in the production, storage and transfer of knowledge since 2006 and a successful African model, UAD is licensed by the department of Higher Education and Scientific Research.


The vision of UAD is that of being a world-renowned university.

Its Values are: Excellence, Quality, Innovation, Transparency and Diversity.

Its Missions are:

  • Provide quality Technical and Vocational Training, Higher, Continuing and Post-Graduate – education
  • Participate in the development of Guinea, Africa and the World in close cooperation with the social and economic environment
  •  Be a active participant in the Development of science. 


UAD believes that the reputation of a university is built in large part by offering activities meritorious research. Our institution has a strong research department, in recent years; it has identified a number of guidelines and areas of development in research, among others, sociological studies, environment, geology mining and economics.

Even if our institution gives priority to a limited number of channels, it recognizes the value of those projects whose fields of expertise do not lie among the priority areas and demonstrate excellence in their research and creativity. The University also supports basic and applied research in all areas.


UAD builds relationships with academic institutions around the world. These international collaborations have led to several cooperation agreements, agreements that aim to strengthen and facilitate inter-institutional collaborations.

Several scientific communities, institutions, companies, and national and international universities are trusted partners of the UAD.


From arrival to graduation, a set of services ranging from welcoming committees, lodging, food, transportation, cultural and artistic activities, sports, and many more make staying at UAD a memorable, enjoyable and life changing experience.